What is media?

 L/O: to discuss what media is and how it impacts our lives. 
                         Thursday 15 September 2022

 Media definition: The means of mass communication.

Different types of media:

  • Tv  
  • social media
  • film
  • newspaper
  • mageninze
  • comic books
  • websites
  • search engine
  • streaming sites
  • email
  • advertising
  • text message
  • radio

Creating meaning

A sign can be any physical form to which we give meaning, including words, picture, colours,clothes ,etc.

My subject position

My subject position is 13 year straight female born in Bodmin lived in Bodmin whole life student has older sister and younger brother. 


one person may decode this as inspirational to be who you are and not care of what others think and that you can be who you want to be. This person may know who harry styles is and may be a big fan of him and like buying magazines that support him and who he is. 

Another person who doesn't know who harry styles is may think this is uncomfortable as he is wearing a dress or think this is just a model modelling a dress for a magazine cover or he just wears dresses for fun to get paid for being a model for a certain magazine cover or company. 

Denotation- The dictionary definition.

Connotation- The deeper meaning- what we associate with the word or symbol.

Connotations of different things

Gun- murder,police,crime,death,illegal

Clown- balloons,clumsy,creepy,drains,death,funny.

Thor-super hero, strong, gifted,muscles,worrior.

L/O To analyse texts using the correct terminology                                                           20/09/22

the colours show the colours of the food 
they dont need bright colours to grab peoples attention
very simplistic

The bright orange and yellow colours show that the sun is setting and the black shadows show that it is getting darker and that the lion on the cliff is very close to the front. The connotations that people may make are that the lion is looking over his kingdom one last time before stepping down as king and letting his son take over as king. The font at the bottom of the page that tells you the name of the film in  big skinny lettering showing that the lion king is important in the film. Other connotations may be that the lion is looking over empty dry land that he is going to take over as king and rule the land. The way the lion is standing looks heroic and that the lion is a hero to lots of other animals and that he has looked after so many animals that aren't his own species. The body language shows that he  stands like a hero and is a very important part of a community he is part of and that he can be a good leader and lead people with pride and joy without taking his job too seriously. The fact that there isn't any other animals on the cliff with him shows he is the only ruler in the animal kingdom around him and he might not be ready to give up his position just yet and he will wait until his child is old enough to rule the kingdom their self. The cliff he is stood on looks like it ti the highest point of land for quite a few miles and that he has taken time to make sure it is safe for hi family to live on while he is king of the desert and then he will pass it down to his son when he is old enough. 



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