Theoretical Framework

 L/O to apply the theoretical framework to media text                                                     27/09/22

  • media language- All the different elements used to construct any media product. camera work soundtrack 
  •  and editing.

establishing shot- shows what time of day it is, where the film is set,you see them at the start of a new scene. 
wide shot- used when someone is lost or over whelemed. a wide shot shows how much space is around a subject or how big something is compared to someone thing else. 

medium shot- more nutural shot. a medium shot starts just above the waist but below the chest and stops just above the head. shows the actual size of something or at shot used to show a person at the same distance you would normally talk to people.

medium close up- a shot used to concentrate on the person in the story, shot from just above the chest to the top of the head. focuses on character and facial expression.
close up-used to show a dramatic change in facial expressions or emotions.
focuses on just their face.

extreme close up- frame a specific area of something. mainly the eyes. 


over the shoulder shot- used to capture the perspective of a character by having the camera over their shoulder.

Soundtrack- includes all sound heard in a film/TV show. can be diegetic or non diegetic 

diegetic- sounds you would hear if you were in the film or tv show.

non-diegetic- sounds only the audience can hear once the film/tv show is published(music, voiceovers).


sound effects




mise-en-scene - the arrangement of scenery, props on stage to a production or on a set of a film. costume, props, setting, hair and makeup, lighting,actor positioning, body language and facial expression.

stranger things poster

  1. bikes with lights on- dark when they rides their bikes
  2. tall fence with a guard outside- something dangerous on the other side of the fence that the government doesn't want the public to see. something dangerous on the other side of the fence with the guard glowing in a hazmat suit
  3. girl with hospital gown on- she may be ill or in a hospital getting help or care she needs
  4. a small boy in the background looking scared- he may be lost or alone and has to fight for himself
  5. police man in the back- something has gone wrong as he is being called to somewhere by his walkie talkie .
  6. old clothes worn- made to look it is set in the past like 1980s or filmed in the past.
  7. lady in the back looking worried-may have lost something important to her.
  8. teenagers in the back holding a camera-taking photos of something for someone or taking photos of something he needs to get for work or school. he may have found something worrying or scary that he need to show the police.

film poster

  1. man with a cigarette in his mouth- this connotes he may smoke or set in a place where smoking is a normal thing
  2. carrying a duffer bag- this connotes the man carrying a bag shows he may be carrying something important like stolen money or something he shouldn't be carrying with him.
  3. ferris wheel in the background- this connotes that he is at a fun fair and walking around looking for someone or something.
  4. dressed in old clothes-this connotes he is wearing clothes that don't fit him correctly meaning he may have stolen them from someone or he doesn't have the money to buy clothes that fit him correctly so he has to wear clothes that don't fit him
  5. lots of people with the same type of hat he is wearing- this connotes that lots of people had the same style that he did and most people wore the same things in the time the film was set in.
  6. the air is very fogging/smokey- this connotes  lots of people smoking in one area or the smoke from the rides being used is being put into the air. the smoke behind him may be the smoke of something running to much or people smoking or something has just been put on fire or blown up.
  7. carrying a mysterious black box in his arm- this may connote that he is holding it very close to him showing that he thinks this black box is very important to him or what he is doing. 
  8. everyone looks the same- this connotes everyone is dressed the same way to each other and looks like it is set in the past and not in modern times. 
  9. walking through a fun fair alone- this connotes he doesn't have anyone to go to the fair with or no-one wants to go with him or he is just passing through it to get to somewhere.

Transitions-how it goes from on shot to another shot- fade,cross fade into another scene
Pace and speed of cuts- where you see it go from one shot to another shot.
CGI- computer generated imaging
Green screening- film something behind a green screen make it look like they are anywhere you want them to be

  1. straight cut- straight form one scene to another scene
  2. jump cut- take one long tape cutting it up to put into one long scene (speed up time)
  3. parallel editing/ cross cutting- way to build suspense in two scenes by jumping between the two 
  4. cut away- informing  a viewer where you are in a scene  showing the environment around the character.
  5. montage- lots of shots put together as one to make it look lots of time has past with change in the characters 
  6. match cut- matching a characters actions or movements of one scene with ones in the next scene. 

  • media institutions

  • media audiences-

  • media representation-


  1. Great notes and understanding of the basics of Media Language
    Target: try to use CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS in your analysis


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