Photoshop skills development
L/o: to refine and develop photoshop skills 29/11/22 Do now WWW: you've included all of the main elements of a horror poster EBI: think about using just one high impact image Si-fi film poster the title is in the middle or the bottom and is big. The release date is near the bottom. Mainly men in the films to accommodate the audience dark colour palette. out of this world. the credit block is either on the side or at the very bottom of the poster. the tag line is above the title but not in a big font so it doesn't get mistaken with the title. all based on something not on earth or in a inverted earth. 1/12/22 Do now Tron: si-fi looks very futuristic and out of this world Judgement of paris: action. in the background you can see the eiffel tower blowing up behind the man ...