Nea introduction 01/05/24
L/o: to explore coursework briefs and requirements
For my coursework I'm going to do either a sports magazine or the film marketing
Nea research 03/05/24
L/o: to research the codes and conventions of similar products
The orphanage - front cover
1- On the front cover of the dvd cover there is one of the characters and then something else in the back ground behind the character. The shot type used is a close up so you can see her facial expression but then she has her hands up so it is a bit lower for a close up shot but too high up to be a mid shot. The girl is represented on the cover as determined and ready to fight which is anti-stereotypical for a girl in the times it looks to be set as women were expected to stay in the house and do all the house work instead of fight.
2- The title is near the bottom of the page but not right at the bottom its in the bottom third of the cover and it is in serif font.
3- The tagline is ' no secret gets locked away forever' this could mean that the house in the background of the main image has secrets hidden within it and finally some of them are being revealed to the people living in it or the people living in it have secrets and others are finding out what they are hiding.
4-the colour palette is red, black and white this connotes that there might be blood involved and/ or murder happening at some point in the movie. the black could connote something bad happening during the movie.
5- there is names of people at the top of the cover and the age rating at the bottom of the cover
6- There is a serif font for the title and then a sans serif font for the other text and everything but the title is around the same size and then the title is the biggest piece of writing on the front cover.
7-The genre is shown by the colour palette as the colour scheme is mainly red with white as the accent colour and with the way the characters are shown on the front cover as the character on the front cover looks scared but ready to fight something in her way. The shadow of the hand in the top corner also shows that the film is a horror because the hand looks very creepy and looks a bit out of place with the rest of the cover.
Back cover
1- the main image on the back cover is a multiple pictures from scenes of the film which goes across a section of the back cover. the shot type used is a mid shot because you can see from below the characters shoulders all the way to the top of their head. The character in the image is represented as scared as she is by a door trying to get through the door or trying to keep the door closed without letting something in or out.
2-There are three different thumbnails from different parts in the film they show different scenes from the film that look like they go together or some of the most important parts in the film or the most exciting parts of the film that they wanted the audience to see before they watch the film.
3-the images suggest that the characters have something to be afraid of throughout the film that they have to get away from.
5-The blurb would give some information bout the film like what the film is a bout and summarises they film so people can read it and see if they would like it before they buy the film. it would show that the film is horror by the summary of what happens during the film.
6-The colour palette is the same as the front cover red with an accent colour of white. the red could connote that there is a lot of blood involved or some death involved throughout the film and the white could connote that there is some purity in the film that might be overtaken by the blood and bad things happening. The red and white could also connote that something that seemed nice at the start turned into something bad and took power of the good in the house.
7-Other information included on the back cover is a special features block which has some people who get a special mention or well known people that played a character in a film that people might like and want to watch a film with an actor they like. More information thats on the back cover is some parts of articles that different newspaper companies have written about the film so people can see that the films has had good reviews and that lots of people like the film.
8-All of the text is a sans serif font and is all basically the same size across the whole back cover.
9- The people in the images on the back cover are represented as scared and wanting to get away from something as they all have scared facial expressions on their faces apart from the person in middle the one in the middle looks as if it’s the one that is trying to scare the other people.
1- the main image is a picture of someone with a mask over their face. The shot type they have used is a long shot because you can see their whole body but you can also see what’s around them. The person in the main image is represented as possibly one of the main characters because they are used in the poster and they have their whole body on show, they also look as if they are scaring someone as they have their head sort of tilted to one way and just stood their staring at the camera using direct address.
2-The poster is laid out with the main image over the whole poster with the name of the film and the release date on the bottom of it with more writing at the top.
4- The title is in the bottom third of the poster in a serif font and it also the biggest piece of writing on the poster
5-The release date is underneath the title of the film, There’s also some writing on the top if the poster.
6- The colour palette used is very dark colours like black and navy the connotations of these colours are darkness and death as black is usually a colour used to signify death and loss.
7- There is only font used throughout the whole poster but all the writing is different sizes
front cover
1-the main image is a picture of an old looking house with a picture of someone over the top of the picture of the house. A close up shot is used on the person and a long shot is used on the house. The house has been represented as old and creepy. The person has been represented as upset and wanting to get away from something but they also look scared and wanting to fight for something.
2-The title is at the top of the cover and is in a serif font.
3- there is no tagline
4-the colour palette is very dark and connotes that something dark might happen in the film
5-the age rating is placed in the bottom corner and a bit that says ' from the makers of 'insidious' and 'paranormal activity' is at the bottom middle.
6- there is only one font used
7- horror is shown through the colour scheme they have chosen and they way they have presented the main image with the image being double exposed to show both pictures.
back cover
1- the main image on the back is a picture of someone looking very scared at something looking like they are going to run away from whatever they are looking at
2- there are three thumbnails and they show different scenes in the film with one of someone screaming with a hand out.
3-The images suggest that there something trying to get through to something but there's someone or something stopping them.
5-i can't read the blurb on the back of the cover
6-The colour palette used on the back cover is black grey and white the connotations of those colours are darkness and sometimes death which those connotations come up a lot through the whole cover.
7-The age rating is included in the bottom left corner along with the barcode and some logos probably from the companies who helped make the film, there's a special features block with different people who had a special feature in the film and also a credit block in the bottom third of the cover with the name of some actors who are in the film.
8-There are two different fonts used one for the credit block and another for the rest of the writing on the cover the writing is mainly all in the same size.
9- People are represented in the cover as scared and wanting to get away from something. This is shown through the man in the main image looking scared and staring at something very closely as if trying not to take his eyes off whatever he's looking at.
Nea research. 08/05/24
L/o: to research the codes and conventions of similar products
Do now
1- main character, dark back story, dark colours
2- blood, death, secrets, darkness
Nea research 10/05/24
L/o; to research genre codes and conventions
Do now
1- horror
2- use a dark colour scheme for the main image use photos that include fake blood
3-dark colours through the cover and poster
Do now
how different things are shown in media like how someone can be shown as angry the representations of anger could be the colour red. Representation is how media text deals with and presents gender, age, ethnicity, national and regional identity, social issues and events to an audience. This is done through shot type or angle, mise-en-scene editing.
2- I would expect the colour palette to be dark and scary looking such as black, grey, and red as the connotations of those colours are usually liked with horror and blood which would be expected of a horror dvd cover. The connotations of red are like blood, death and crime which would be good to use on a horror dvd cover and poster as most horror films have some sort of link to blood and death in them and some even have crime in there as well. The connotations of black are mystery and creepiness which would be good for a horror film as there is usually a sense of mystery or unknowingness in a the film with maybe a murder or a film with ump scares there would be a lot of unknowingness.
3- I would expect to see more sans serif fonts on horror dvd covers and posters with the occasional serif font as sans serif is usually linked with horror and not so good new whereas serif could connote that time is passing or could show the film is set in the past as in the past people would often use serif fonts instead of sans serif. Sans serif fonts usually connote something is important pr something needs to be seen whereas, a serif font being used would connote oldness as people used to write in more fancy looking writing then the modern day so using a serif font would connote that months or maybe years have passed in the film.
4- I would expect the characters to be middle ages or in their teenage years with old dirty clothes on that look like they haven't been changed in a few days looking scared and worried but also have a slight determined look on their face to get through whatever is happening and i would expect one or two characters to be older than the rest almost as if they are the leaders of the group or they all happened to get stuck in the same situation at the same time and are trying to help each other. I would also expect to see people of different body types so there is a diverse group of people in the film and people of different ethnicity so there is diversity being shown in the film so everyone is included.
5- In a horror dvd cover and poster the storyline i would expect is that there is some sort of serial killer on the lose going around and killing everyone in their path and people have teamed up to kill the iller to stop the town from being left as a ghost town. Another storyline i would expect is someone moving into a haunted house not knowing it is haunted and being controlled and scared by ghosts and spirits that live in the house and having to get out of the house without getting hurt and finally escaping the house alive, or another storyline i would expect is that someone moves into their late relatives house who have passed and discover their secrets they never told the family and slowly the truth of the family get uncovered but with some tricky plot twists added in. In a horror film i would expect to see the storyline to be shown to be a murder or something with lots of jump scares so the type of images i would expect to see in the cover and poster is pictures with things lurking in the shadows, bloody weapons, people on the floor and somethings looking like they are jumping out at the camera through the images.
6- Stereotypically in a horror dvd cover and poster i would expect to see people represented as scared or angry at someone or something that they have to get away from. I would expect there to be a female who is being messed with by some ghosts or something and a male coming in to help her escape the ghosts as stereotypically men are the stronger gender but if it was anti stereotypical i would expect to see a group of females overcoming something people would never expect them to overcome and having the personality to be able to not give up and prove people wrong. I would also expect there to be more than one min character probably a male and a female who have hard working personalities and don't give up easily. i would expect the house to represented as scary and abandoned that has a chance to be restored and the ability to be loved again by new people. For being represented anti-stereotypically i would expect to see the genders switching roles so females being shown to be the more strong minded and physically fit people in the film whereas the males would be represented as the people who aren't as strong minded and are more willing to give up but are still sort of shown stereotypically as not everyone in the film should be represented as anti-stereotypically as people should be able to see the difference in the gender roles. I'd also see the females in clothes people wouldn't normally think to wear like a pair of jeans that are muddy or a shirt as they are usually things people would stereotypically think a man would wear, but i would expect women to not always be wearing a dress and heels and trying her best to look good as not all girls think like that and like being seen as that but i would expect the men to still be either wearing their stereotypical clothes or something a little less stereotypical so you can see the clear difference in men and women in the film.
Do now
Primary research- research you do first by yourself to gain knowledge of what your trying to find out
Secondary research- uses data that other people have collected
1- For the Orphanage i can't find the website but their target audience looks like to be teens to young adults who are into horror that has a dark backstory with mystery mixed into it
For missing i can't find the website but the target audience looks to be teens to young adults that like horror that with a bit of gore and death with some mystery behind it.
Do now 22.05.24
1- what stereotypes would you like to see challenged
2- what colours do you look for on the covers
3- What features would make a horror movie stand out to you
1- I have chosen horror and it would appeal to 16-24 year olds because it would keep the audience entertained and engaged with the film because theres different things happening at once or theres different things going to happen that are unexpected.
2-The target audience for my dvd cover would be any gender but with an interest to haunted houses and mystery within older houses becoming uncovered
3- Uncovered - it shows the genre by showing that something is going to be uncovered
Secrets don't stay covered for long- shows something will be revealed after a while of being hidden
boo- shows something will come out unexpectedly or when someone doesn't think anything is going to happen
4- My film is going to be about a young female moving into their grandmothers home after she passed away and shortly after moving in secrets about her started being revealed that no one knew.
5- you'll find out soon - i have chosen this because of what i have chosen as my storyline and how the secrets have become revealed
6-the style of the poster I'm going to make is the main image over the whole poster with the title at the top of the poster with some of the actor names at the bottom of the poster
7-Im going to use black red and grey because they are often associated with horror
8-I'm going to have a picture of the house in the background like in the distance with some people fading out of the background then over the top have a picture of the woman who moved into the house
9- Im going to include some of the actor names at the bottom of the poster with the title at the top leaving enough room for the main image to still be visible
10-I'm going to have dark colours across the whole cover with the title at the top with the main image covering the whole cove. On the back, im going to continue the image from the from onto the back with the blurb over the top with room for some thumbnails included.
11- On the back cover in the thumbnails I'm going to have different scenes from the film and like one with a picture of the grandmother before she passes away and then the other two different scenes from the film, and I'm also going to have a continued picture from the front cover onto the back cover that will go under the writing about the narrative.
12-i'm going to have the title, the blurb, some actor names on the back, age rating down in the bottom corner.
13- On the spine i'm going to have the title and the age rating on it. The title of the film is going to be across the middle then the age rating is going to be at the bottom of the spine. It is going to link the two covers by continuing the image from the front and back colour across the spine.
14- I'm going to show that the poster and DVD cover is linked by using similar pictures and use the same colour scheme and font across the poster and DVD cover.
15- I'm going to use a medium sized serif font for my typography across both the cover and poster because in most horror dvd covers i've seen they use a serif font.
Questionnaire results-05/06/24
Target audience. 07/06/24
L/o: to research our target audience to enable successful targeting.
Do now
demographics- true facts ( job, how much money you make a year, gender, age)
Psychographics- interests and opinions( favourite football team)
Nea planning. 12/06/24
L/o: to plan an effective product aimed at a specific audience using appropriate codes and conventions.
NEA create 28/06/24
L/o: to create an effective product aimed at a specific audience using appropriate codes&conventions
Photoshoot 12 July
main image- house( not in school)
thumbnails-chair broken mirror with fake blood spirit ( in school) someone lying in a box looking dead and old( out of school)
Coursework review and plan of attack. 10/09/24
L/o: to review work so far and create a detailed plan
Review table.
Take pictures for cover and poster - 10-17sep (home 8 pics)
Edit pictures-17-20 sep
start poster- 10-20 sep
Figure out release date for poster 10-13 sep
Put age rating logo tech spec and billing block on back cover -13-17 sep
put thumbnails on back cover -20 sep
title director and actor names complete both covers (including spine) and poster done by 24 sep
put images on front cover and poster (different pics)- done by 24
clear branding over 3 pages- done by 11 oct
Friday 13 September 2024
Do now
1. 16-24 year olds
2. a horror dvd cover and a film poster
3.dark colours, different images to catch the readers attention, include characters around the same age
Do Now
1. Raheem Sterling is a football player and is on a GQ magazine cover
2.Malala is known for standing up for herself and getting shot in the head for standing up for what she believes in
3. Gentlemens Quarterly
4. Female fashion and lifestyle magazine
5. The name of the magazine company at the top of the magazine cover
Friday 20 September 2024
Do now.
1. it was unusual for people of a different ethnicity to be on a cover of a magazine. she's not a model/ she isn't linked to fashion
2. Middle aged men who like lifestyle magazines that have some sort of wealth ABC1 men aged between 20-44 intelligent, professionals, alpha males
3.Middle aged women who make some sort of wealth and have the money to buy expensive things ABC1 females, fashion& style conscious, educated, sophisticated, wealthy, broad age range 20-45
4. the use of words to give meaning to images such as captions, headlines and taglines
5. The cover line that is most important and that is normally the biggest cover line on the front of the magazine that grabs the readers attention. links to the main image explains the main feature
Picture planning
- house to go in thumbnail
-broken glass with fake blood
-dead flowers on floor
-padlocked door
-burnt photos
-old newspapers
Friday 27 September 2024
Do Now
1- B
2- The actual words used and their connotations -Lexis
3- font style, font size, font colour
4- props, clothes, facial expression, hair, make-up, setting, lighting, blocking, body language
5- editing
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do Now
1. A
2. sweating like a pig feeling like a fox
3. view points beliefs attitude and values
4. referencing one text in another
i have to take three more images which will be two of people ( one of the people looking at the house relieved and another of a girl looking into a mirror and seeing something behind her through the mirror)
My poster is finished so i only have to work on the dvd back cover.
Friday 4th October 2024
Do Now
1- font size, colour and style
3- kung fu
4- referencing one text in another
5- anti-stereotypically ( strong, determined, strong minded)
Do Now
1- Roger Moore
2-1960's 1974
3- kung fu global energy crisis
4- Daniel Craig
5- represented in a male gaze way and over-sexualised sexually objectified , stereotypical bond girls
pictures i need to take:
- picture of someone in front of house( leah in front of the house at the yard with bloody clothes on, same clothes as the ones that will be ripped up with mu over them and messy hair)
-picture of someone looking in a mirror with someone behind them ( buy a cheap mirror hopefully have leah and max, leah looking into mirror max behind her )
-pile of dirty blood covered ripped clothes( old clothes i don't wear ripped up put in mud with fake blood on it )
-padlocked door ( my tack room door with padlock borrowed from dad)
for this lesson i played around with the layout of everything before i add in m final few pictures that will be the remaining four thumbnails that i need to add in. over all i have finished my front cover my spine and my film poster i just need to take a few more images and make sure i have people's faces in them which I'm going to use my friends faces and hopefully have them before the end other half term to make sure this is completed.
do and found out i didn't need to have the director name on it.
Do now
2- 12 is on a dvd and 12A is for the cinemas
3- marketing Distribution
4- promotion Distribution
5- covid
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Coursework improvement. 29/11/24
L/o: to apply required brief elements in order to improve coursework.
think about text placement on poster and get more images for the dvd cover
i need photos of:
-someone holding someone else up
- boy and girl with there arms around each other
-people looking behind them scared
-girl and boy walking away from camera
ReplyDeleteANALYSIS: great analysis
CODES & CONVENTIONS: good but a bit brief. More details would be better.
REPRESENTATIONS: also good. Make sure you try to use these in your own product.
AUDIENCE RESEARCH: add a screen shot of your questionnaire and then the results.
TARGET AUDIENCE PROFILE: excellent - you clearly understand your audience
ReplyDeletePLANNING DOCUMENT: great ideas - can't wait to see this!